And he said to them, Why are you afraid, O you of little faith? - Matthew 8:26
The passage of scripture recounting Jesus calming the storm, whether it is written here in Matthew or in Mark 4 or Luke 8, relates the story of a boat going across to the other side, as Jesus commanded. The boat then encounters a bad storm and the disciples are afraid.
I have always kind of felt insulted by the chastisement of the disciples. In Matthew the boat was being swamped. In Mark, the boat was filling, and in Luke it says that the boat was filling with water and they were in danger. So why be scolded by Jesus when afraid of a dangerous situation?
Over the years whenever I encountered this portion of scripture I would try to find some hidden concept that needed to become clear to me and finally, the other day, I think I finally understood something more about this portion of scripture, at least for me.
Why were they afraid? Following Jesus is a one-on-one activity, you and your Savior. He is calling to us all individually and He is specifically speaking to us, guiding, directing, strengthening and encouraging us. And He is challenging us. When we obey Him and get in the boats of our lives and the storms begin to scare us, why are we afraid? It is a question that goes to the depths of who we are and what we want out of life. Are we afraid of loss? WHY are we afraid?
For myself I saw that question as an opportunity to ask myself that question and to present that emotion to the LORD, in prayer, to be healed of what it is that causes my fear. He already knows. He has just been waiting for me.
I sure am so grateful for the Word of God, both written, and the Living!